YCP Cares

About you, your health, and your enjoyment.

Welcome toYoung Couples Party

You are a part of a very special, and SEXY, community.

YCP is more progressive than other clubs in the area, for all the reasons you already know about, like consent training.

There’s another way YCP is different and that’s by partnering with Shameless Care, a telemedicine company specifically for the consensual non-monogamy community!

Shameless Care offers two things:

WhyED Medication?

Swinger sex is not regular sex. You’re often in a strange environment with someone you just met. You can hear dance music and random conversations, and people may be watching you.

Then condoms themselves add a layer of complexity, where your brain must snap out of the primitive instincts of sexual penetration to the process of finding, unwrapping, and applying a condom.

Oh, and your partner may be getting fucked right beside you.

That’s not a situation your cock has a fighting chance in. Even though you’re young, healthy, and possibly never experienced ED before, it’s almost certain that it will happen at a swinger club. 

For this reason, virtually everyone in the swinger lifestyle uses ED medication.


Shameless Care should be your ED provider.


If you sign up this week using coupon code NEWYCP you’ll get $30 off your medication, and Ashley at YCP will give you 50% off of your first YCP event.

A doctor will review your medical form and your prescription will be approved (if you qualify) within 48 hours.

Now let's discussSTDs

Most “complete std” panels are anything but complete… Even from most local physicians.

Think about your last STD test.

You had your blood drawn.
You peed in a cup or had your genitals swabbed.

But did you get your throat swabbed? Did someone stick something resembling a giant q-tip down the back of your throat?

If not, you weren’t tested for the very infections you’re most likely to contact in the lifestyle… And frankly, you deserve better health care than that. You can learn more in the text below.


…for being a part of YCP. The club cares about its members health, but more importantly, we all care about each other.

We’ll see you at the next party!