What happens when condoms cause performance issue?

How can this raise STI risks?
For many people, condoms can lead to performance issues, which can significantly raise STD concerns. 

Condom-related erection problems are quite common, with approximately 30% of men experiencing difficulties during condom application or intimate moments. Please review the study at this link. 

Once men start facing these challenges, various strategies are employed to salvage the situation. According to the study condom related impotency has been found to be associated with more frequent unprotected vaginal intercourse, less consistent condom use, condom slippage, and greater likelihood of removing condoms before sex is over.

In this study, 12% switched from using condoms during vaginal intercourse to having unprotected anal sex.

All of these scenarios dramatically increase someone’s STI risk.

How can male medications help?
Intimacy is complex, and things don’t always go as planned. There’s so much more to being intimate than just penetration. That said, condoms are much easier to use when you’re fully firm from start to finish, and ED medications can provide significant help.

Medication concerns and answers
Many men have reservations about these medications. One concern is whether they can be habit-forming—science says there’s no physical basis for this worry.

Another concern is accessibility, but today’s telemedicine providers make it easy to obtain these medications.

Safety is another valid concern, given the prevalence of counterfeit drugs containing harmful ingredients. That’s why purchasing from a legitimate medical provider is crucial. 

Lastly, there’s the issue of cost. Shameless Care offers generic Viagra and Cialis at half the price of other companies and without the need for a subscription. See other’s prices here. 

Do not confuse subscription with prescription. A subscription means the company charges you repeatedly. We do not do that.

A prescription means a medical provider has reviewed your case and approved your treatment. We facilitate this seamlessly and quickly through our HIPAA-compliant medical intake forms.

Condoms and medications can go hand-in-hand
Even if you’re a young, healthy person, if you find yourself frustrated with condoms due to condom-related erection problems, consider adding medication to your safe intimacy approach. They can reduce worry and potentially make your intimate moments safer, especially if you find yourself in situations similar to those in the study.

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